Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Juxtapose Project

In my Juxtapose Project, I used an image of a grocery isle with unhealthy food. The mask was an image with healthy food cut into a barcode-like shape. The healthy food is in a green color and the grocery isle is red to display that it is bad. The barcode represents that the healthy food was bought over the unhealthy food, just like the mask is over the grocery isle.

InDesign Pages

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Helpful Photoshop Tool

The Photoshop tool that was most helpful for me in the Frankenstein Project was the Hue and Saturation adjustment layer. This tool allowed me to edit my masks and images and make them blend with the original image. It allowed me to make objects appear further away and even have shadows similar to the background image. The colors and shades in my image make it appear somewhat believable and without the Hue and Saturation adjustment layer this would not have been possible.

Layers Used in Frankenstein Project

Frankenstein Project Map

Frankenstein Project

Monday, March 27, 2017

Poster Idea

  • Use the expression "Pay it forward"
  • A design with handing someone money
  • Shaking hands with someone
  • Photo with a good deed

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Quiet Typography

For this typography design, I used the word quiet. In order to make the word look quiet on the page, I made it look as loud as possible. I used repetition to make it clear what the message is and I used different size, rotation, font, and location of the word quiet to fill the page. All of the words are close together and confusing. In order to draw the attention away from the multitude amount of unique words, I made a break in the design and put the word "quiet." in all lower case in the bottom right corner. It is separated from all the chaos and creates a quiet appearance. The lowercase letters make it quiet and the period also does.

Stable Typography

For this typography design, I used the word Stable. In order to create a stable feeling, I made a cliff edge using the word. The straight and defined edges give it a stable look. In bold large letters, I wrote Stable on the edge of the cliff. It looks as if it should fall off but I wanted to emphasize the word and make it stay fixed on the page. The font makes it look stable because it is in all caps and very straight.

White on Black Typography

For this typography, I used White on Black. In order to emphasize the text as appearing black and white, I made the furthest background black and put white fading text on top of it. Then I made white blocks on top of this (more white on black) and put black text on top to create a parallel design. The position of the furthest background emphasizes the white text on a black background and moves your eyes across the page. By fading the text, the non-faded text appears more bold. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Loud Typography

For this typography I used the word loud. In order to make this word appear loud, I made a window out of the word and then put "LOUD" in all capital letters and a bold font so it stands out. The bold lettering and the size of the text compared to the window make it appear loud. The window makes it appear in front, the color of the text is opposite of the orange background so it stands out, and the white stroke around the outside helps create emphasis.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Screenshot Envy

For the Screenshot Envy design I used a picture of a man on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean and mountains. The reason I chose this picture is due to the sharp black edge on the side of the cliff. The edge inspired me to continue to screenshot the original image and arrange it in a grid-like formation. I used the warp tool and accidentally made the top left image look like a volcano. The emphasis is the 3D image floating in the sky because it is the only image that isn't on the grid.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Cover - The Evolution of Discovery

The emphasis in this design is the dark plant. This is due to the fact that most of the page is a light gray color. I made this the emphasis so then you would look at the other dark text, the title of my design book and my name. This design relates to my theme, discovery, because it represents the journal Lewis and Clark wrote in while exploring America.


The emphasis in my line drawing is the plane in the sky. This design relates to my theme, discovery, because air travel has allowed us to circumnavigate the globe and discover new areas of the earth we have never been before. It also allows humans to travel and discover different cultures around the world.


The emphasis in my fills page is the train. The train is traveling through the only light area of the design to draw attention to it. It is breaking through the darkness and is perpendicular to faded train tracks. This design relates to my theme, discovery, because train travel helped us discover and colonize America.

Colors | Complementary Color Scheme

The emphasis in my color drawing is the yacht and or the clocks. I designed this page so there is more than one area of emphasis to add more movement to the picture. This design relates to my theme, discovery, because it shows our vast understanding of discovering new forms of transportation. The large cruise ship allows humans to go on vacation and discover areas of the Earth they have never been before.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The emphasis in my pattern design is the moon due to its contrast against the dark colored ship and sky. This design relates to my theme, discovery, because the ship resembles the discovery of the Americas in 1492. In the moon there are other important dates of discovery and transportation (such as the first automobile) that would not be the same if we never discovered America.